Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Woman Is A Man

      I see all these perverted females trying to change themselves into their Male counter part. This is an Abomination. It was Satan who created the process of becoming something he was not created to be. He left his first form and became a Beast so he could be in this world and speak to Eve. He also taught other Angels and caused a war in heaven and God cast them all out. God does not accept this kind of perversion and never will. He created hell for such a thing as this.
God Created the species of Man both Male And Female. This is why the term man is used many times in scripture and does not mention woman. The word human is a man made word and does not represent born again children of God. The word Hu-man is scientifically designed to represent a species based on degenerate personality traits. It represents people who are stereotyped into groups of psychological ideas created by men. They judge all by this ideology. Jesus refers to himself as the Son of man but he has no earthly Father. He is the son of Mary who is a female man and it was prophesied he would be born of her seed. Women do not have seed but Jesus was born of the linage that Mary came from and theoretically speaking that seed of Man that Mary came from became the seed of Jesus and made him the Son of David.Gen3:15
I hope you can see how God can make scripture to come true when it is not possible to grasp what he is saying according to the natural order of things. Most of revelation is misunderstood and not interpreted right because of people trying to explain it with their own understanding. Just like the prophesy of the seed of woman is hard to see without explanation by the Holy Spirit who is our teacher. The Antichrist and the number of the beast must also be revealed the same way. Hollywood Jesus and Hollywood ideas of the book of revelation may have some truth but they are mostly fables and pervert the word of God. You see, you cannot know the truth unless it is given to you. Also you will never receive it with out repentance. Repentance is changing your mind. Acts 2:38 is about Peter telling the Jews they must change their minds and believe the Jesus they killed for blasphemy is Gods Son. They had to change their minds to be saved. Jesus said no man "meaning both male and female"can believe on me unless my father first draws them. Jesus was speaking of the Holy Spirit who overshadowed Mary and impregnated her. When you repent the Father who is the Holy Spirit will overshadow you and impregnate you both "male and female" with what you need to believe. But you have to repent, You have to confess your sins, you have to realize you cannot save yourself, and that you need help from God. Jesus said Man "male and Female"cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God. If you are just living by a few of God's words don't expect much living.

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